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Your Guide to Buying a Billiards Table

Putting a billiards table in your house has many benefits. From added sophistication to unlimited recreation, the table enhances any room. Because pool tables improve the space where they go, more and more people are interested in buying them. This being the case, you need to consider a few things before making a purchase.

To begin with, pool tables come in many different sizes. It is standard for them to be nine feet in length, but many people do not have this kind of space in their home. You should measure how much space you have available, taking into account how long the table will be plus enough space on each side for a person to extend the pool cue. If nine feet is too long, there are also seven feet and eight feet long tables that look just as classy.

Once you have decided where you want to put the table and what its length will be, you need to determine what you want your table to look like. Because pool tables have been around for so long, many different styles have emerged which you can pick from. Traditionally pool tables tend to be very curvy or have 90 degree angles. Modern styles have sought a happy medium between the two extremes and thus are sleek and softly curving.

When you decide on a design, you need to figure out what you want your table to be made of. You can choose one that is real wood or a synthetic material. All that matters when choosing the material is whether or not it is strong enough to hold up the pool table bed. If it is strong enough you will avoid repair costs down the road.

The table bed is something that is difficult to hold up because it is made of slate. Designers have chosen slate as their material of preference because it does not warp like wood or synthetics and thus over time will not affect game play.

Felt is the material of choice for covering the table because it provides enough support for the ball without impeding its motion. Originally felt was only available as a green color but now companies are offering more options. This means you can choose a color that will match both the table and the room you are putting it in. With a unique felt color the table will complement the room and improve it even more.

Felt can be temperamental, so it is important you take good care of it. When you get your table you should get a felt cloth that is designed specifically to wipe down your felt. If you wipe the felt down before and after play you lower the risk of random objects on the table tearing the felt. You can also buy a table cover which if placed over the table, when not in use, can prevent unnecessary fading and random damage.

If there is not enough lighting in the room where you will be playing billiards, then it is a good idea to get a pool table lamp. These light fixtures hang from the ceiling and have three lights in a line to guarantee enough lighting to all corners of the table.

Most places will offer free shipping and assembly, but some do not. You need to make sure you know whether or not they will before you buy the table because this will play a huge role in factoring the cost. Some companies will even give you free pool cues, balls, and racks if you buy their pool table. When comparing prices you should understand what you are going to have to spend on all of these items in addition to the table to see what your best option is.

Once you have been playing for a decent amount of time, you may discover you want a better pool cue. Cheap cues can warp and bend so over time lose their effectiveness. If you want to get yourself a nicer cue you need to be willing to pay a good deal of money. The more you pay, the better your cue will be because you are paying for a better design and better materials. Because buying a cue can be very expensive you should go to a local pool hall and ask to try someone's cue. You can also ask a store to demo what they have to see if you like the feel.

Getting involved in billiards can be very exciting. When you want to buy a pool table for your home the only thing you need to be wary of is the increase in friends who will never leave your house.